windows 10 slow login to domain
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Problem: a user with a company laptop that is on the domain experiences login times as long as upto 5 minutes. Usage after the login time is perfectly acceptable. The computer experiences slow login with the single domain user. Users like administrator login within a minute.
After entering username and password, it may takes 10 to 30 seconds to complete the logon process and show Windows desktop screen. For our environment, all PCs are joined to our AD domain. The Windows logon time is measured after PC restart or power-up, and then wait for a few minute after power-on.
On various clean Windows 10 or 11 builds, all of which are domain-connected devices, if I log in from a cold boot using a domain account while having no network connection to the domain, I get lengthy delays before I am logged into the device.
One machine of the 2, has a fast initial logon to the domain, but after a reboot, the logon gets a slow welcome and then just a black screen for at least 10 minutes, maybe longer, before the users desktop appears.
I tried configuring the following: Disabled logon script delay. Disabled run logon script synchronously. Added the DelayedDesktopSwitchTimeout DWORD registry and set the value to 0. Although the logon time got shortened I still get a black screen for 10 seconds or more which could alert the users.
One of the top reasons for slow logon times is bloated roaming profiles. Several types of profiles exist, but roaming profiles are the most common because they stay consistent across servers and individual sessions while maintaining personalized settings.
In this article, learn how to fix, if Windows 10 domain machine slow to logon and taking more time to show Desktop screen than expected.
Using a default user profile in this way can reduce the first logon time on a Windows 10 device by a margin of approximately 66%. This makes a huge difference to the user experience, especially in environments where local profile copies are not maintained.
Are there some best practices of dos and don’ts to allow a fast login from client PCs (Window 7 Pro, Win 8.1 Pro, Win 10 Pro)? For example: disabling unwanted apps/programs from startup, disabling Windows
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